Keto Quiz Step 1 of 9 11% Have you tried the Keto Diet before?(Required) No, I'm a newbie and know little about it No, but I'm familiar with the basics Yes, but I did not achieve the results I wanted Yes, and I lost weight but have more to go Yes, and now I want to make it my lifestyle Overview: The Keto Diet The keto, or ketogenic, diet is a way of eating that focuses on reducing carbohydrates and increasing healthy fats in your meals. When you eat carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into a type of sugar called glucose, which it uses as its primary source of energy. However, when you limit your carbohydrate intake, your body starts to look for an alternative energy source. In the absence of enough carbohydrates, it begins to break down stored fats in your body to produce molecules called ketones. These ketones then become the new source of fuel for your body and brain. By following the keto diet, people aim to enter a state called ketosis, where their bodies efficiently burn fat for energy. This has been shown to lead to weight loss and other health benefits. br> Continue to learn how easy it is to make Keto40 your long-term lifestyle for eliminating excess weight and improving your health.Great! You have some experience with the low-carb lifestyle. Here's a refresher, just in case: br> Refresher: The Keto Diet The keto, or ketogenic, diet is a way of eating that focuses on reducing carbohydrates and increasing healthy fats in your meals. When you eat carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into a type of sugar called glucose, which it uses as its primary source of energy. However, when you limit your carbohydrate intake, your body starts to look for an alternative energy source. In the absence of enough carbohydrates, it begins to break down stored fats in your body to produce molecules called ketones. These ketones then become the new source of fuel for your body and brain. By following the keto diet, people aim to enter a state called ketosis, where their bodies efficiently burn fat for energy. This has been shown to lead to weight loss and other health benefits. br> Continue to learn how easy it is to make Keto40 your long-term lifestyle for eliminating excess weight and improving your health. Food PreferencesProtien(Required)Choose any that you will eat. Beef Bacon Chicken Pork Fish No meat Vegetables(Required)Choose any that you will eat. Mushrooms Zucchini Broccoli Asparagus Cauliflower I don't like vegetables Foods to Avoid(Required)Select any foods you wish to avoid. Tomato Onion Nuts/Seeds Eggs Coconut Strawberries None CravingsDo you experience intense cravings for certain foods?(Required) infrequently (once per month or less) regularly (at least once a week) multiple times each week, or daily What do you crave most often?(Required) sweets - sugar, candy, desserts carbs - bread, rice, pasta fried foods red meat I don't experience cravings ActivityWhat is your current activity level?(Required) Inactive (desk job, infrequent movement) Light (occasional light exercise such as walking) Moderate (regular movement and/or exercise) Active (frequent exercise and/or strenuous job) General WellnessWhen do you have the most energy?(Required) morning mid-day evening just before bedtime How often do you experience digestive issues?(Required)Such as bloating, cramping, constipation, diarrhea or a combination? never 1-2 times per month weekly or more daily Do you have any of the following symptoms?Check any that apply excessive thirst frequent urination regular headaches blurry vision chronic pain swollen legs, feet or ankles feelings of depression or isolation none Have you experienced any of these recently? childbirth rapid weight loss (25 lbs or more) rapid weight gain (25 lbs or more) back or neck injury menopause none GoalsWhat do you hope to achieve from the Keto40 plan?Select all that apply. gain more energy sleep better slim down and get lean burn fat and accomplish a healthy weight feel better overall reduce digestive issues get toned and gain strength About YouHeight (feet)Height (inches)AgeCurrent weight (in pounds)Goal weight (in pounds) Enter your name & email below for your Keto40 personalized weight loss guide and meal plan.First Name(Required)Email(Required) We respect your privacy. We will never sell, rent or share your email address. That's more than a policy, it's our personal guarantee! By entering your email, you accept our Privacy Policy and Terms of UseEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.